Singing Hills

Elementary & Preschool


  • Yearbook

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  • Save the date for the Kindergarten Round-up coming in March!

    Kinder Round-Up

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    In celebration of our 5th graders graduating to middle school, we are excited about the opportunity for students to perform a magical display of music and lights as they beat on white buckets with bright LED light-up drumsticks.

    To prepare, we purchased 25 sets of drumsticks and started a fundraiser earlier in November. Our need/goal is $460. We are half-way to that goal and sincerely thank those parents who have already contributed to help meet our goal. We know it's an investment, but we are committed to making music learning about music fun while giving a great performance at the end of the year. Your support of this event is greatly appreciated!!!

    If you want to contribute, please visit MySchoolBucks (Payschool) and choose “Store” from the homepage, then locate our item, “Fundraiser-5th grade Spring Graduation Presentation” and proceed to payment. We are also happy to accept checks or cash at the front office. Thank you!

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  • Reminder

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  • Breakfast Schedule

    Breakfast served Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:35-7:55am. Thursdays (late start day) from 8:35-8:55am.

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  • Office Hours

    7:30am - 4:00pm

    Summer Office Hours

    May 23rd - June 9th M-F 8am-3pm


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