• What is PBIS?
    PBIS: Running Creek Elementary School is a PBIS (positive behavior interventions and support) school. Our belief is that teaching students about good behavior is more important than telling them. With PBIS we have a building-wide, consistent system in place for behavior expectations.
    Some parents and educators believe that students come to school knowing these rules of conduct, and that those who don’t follow them simply should be punished. However, research and experience has taught us that systematically teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding. It also establishes a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. Finally, the use of Primary Prevention strategies has been shown to result in dramatic reductions in the number of students being sent to the office for discipline in elementary and middle schools across the United States and Canada.
    Everyone in the building learns to follow the ESD Learner Profile with the following attributes:
    Empathetic and Collaborative
    Adaptable and Resilient
    Effective Communicator
    Independent Learner
    Academically Prepared
    . You will see matrixes around the school that outline the behaviors that are important to RCE in different areas, for example, respect on the playground means taking turns and including and encouraging others while respect in the lunchroom is using an inside voice and using table manners.
    A very successful technique for shaping behavior is giving specific, positive feedback towards the desired behavior.

    JAG Tickets:  Tickets are randomly handed out to students, by our staff, when students displays the Learner Profile qualities in an exemplary manner. We explain to students that they may receive a Jag ticket for their exceptional behavior and they may not (but feeling good about doing the right thing is the real reward!).  Students can then put their tickets in a box for our Friday afternoon drawing or they can save up for other rewards.
    This information from: www.pbis.org please visit this website for more information