

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Cary Meyer


I'd like to introduce myself as the new first grade teacher here at Running Creek. I am from northeast Ohio where I taught kindergarten, second grade, and reading in a second ring suburb of Cleveland for 15 years. In 2015 I moved to Watkins as my dad was sick and my two little sisters are in the Denver area.  Taking a break from teaching, I was able to care for him while working with horses until he passed away in 2017. In 2019, I returned to teaching kindergarten again and have spent the past two years at Legacy Academy in Elizabeth.  This year I am grateful to be teaching first grade at Running Creek! 

I live just outside of Franktown in Castle Rock with my fiance, Lawrence and house full of animals including our dogs Yennifer and Nova.  I still work with horses and love to spend time at my clients' barns here and in the surrounding communities.  My hobbies include gardening, potted plants, and designing and caring for fish tanks. 


  • Here is some important information just for the kids! My favorite color is green and my favorite number is 6.  Horses, turtles, and octopus are my favorite animals.  I love to play soccer and kickball.  My favorite foods are pizza and Oreos.  Last, my favorite subjects are art, math, and science. I'm really excited to meet you!