Hours and Security

  • Singing Hills has a buzzer security system in place. You will be buzzed in once you have announced who you are and your reason for your visit. Please remember that all guests entering the school MUST sign in and out at the Main Office. There are no exceptions to this rule. Visitors will receive a photo visitor pass that must be worn when inside the building. Anyone found without a visitor sticker or District issued badge will be escorted to the Main Office to sign-in. 

    In addition, the Elbert County Sheriff Department has donated the Raptor Visitor Management System to SHE. Raptor provides an instant background check for sex offenders and criminals. It is our utmost priority to maintain a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff. We will ask for your Driver's License to run through the system EACH time you are issued a visitor pass. We appreciate your compliance with these procedures. The safety of our school community is very important to us!

    Pick-up and Drop-off Reminders

    Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri:
    Drop off—no earlier than 7:35am (when breakfast is served). Entrance to the main lobby will not be allowed prior to this time.
    School Begins—8:00am
    Tardy Bell—8:00am

    Before and after school Kids Club is no longer allowed for kids dropped off early or left after school. Parents must arrange for services through the Kids Club (see below).

    Thurs: LATE START

    One-hour delay for all services and bells as referenced above



  • Kid's Club- If you are interested in child care, before or after school, please contact Tina Brisnehan, Director, at 303-646-6745.

    Summer and School Break Child Care Opportunities- If you are interested in child care opportunities during summer or other scheduled school breaks, please contact Tina  at the number above.