Academic Programs

  • All content areas are aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards. We are required to incorporate state standards in all grade levels and in all content areas.  Our school’s performance,  based on state standards, is assessed by state accountability measures. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 participate in state assessments. If you are interested in knowing more specific information about the state standards, please go to the CDE website at

    Literacy – CKLA, Core Knowledge Language Arts and Lucy Calkins Writing. SiMR, State Identified Measurable Result for K, 1st & 2nd

    We believe and practice a balanced literacy approach to instruction.  “Balanced literacy” refers to creating a balance of whole group, small group and independent instruction.  In all grade levels students participate in shared, guided and independent reading and writing activities daily during the 120 minute block. 

    Math – EDM, Every Day Math program is taught in grades K-5 and incorporates computation skills along with higher level mathematics skills and applications. This approach emphasizes a problem-solving, hands on approach to math using real life mathematical problems.  Our school also uses the Standout Math Program, K-5, to teach and reinforce basic computations skills.

    Social Studies/Science – We use Discovery Education along with resources specific to grade level standards. We use the Scott Foresman science program as our instructional core.  The students “explore” topics by experiencing the process of questioning, investigating, and critical thinking.


    Assessments:  In addition to the on-going assessments in the classroom and trimester progress reports, our students also participate in formal district and state assessments.  In accordance with the new Colorado READ Act which mandates that all students will be reading on the third grade level by the end of third grade, all classroom teachers assess students on their reading level using the Developmental Reading Assessment-II. Student writing is assessed with specific grade level writing rubrics.  Students in grades 3-5 will be assessed with PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) and CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success) testing in reading, writing, math, social studies (4th grade) and science (5th  grade).  Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments are given to all students in grades K-5 in the areas of reading and math.  These computerized assessments are given at least twice a year to measure student growth throughout the year.  Results of these assessments are sent home with students. Students in preschool and kindergarten are assessed using the GOLD assessment, which also supports the Readiness Plans. Kindergarten through 3rd grade use DIBELS to support Read Plans.