

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Wygant

My name is Jeanette Wygant, and I am excited to be your fourth grade teacher!

I have been teaching for 25 years, and I'm very excited to spend this year learning and growing with you! Fourth grade is a transition. Lots of changes happen in 4th grade. It will be hard work, and it'll also be a memorable year. I am serious about learning and serious about having fun doing it.



  • Specials Schedule - Wygant

    4th Grade Schedule

    7:35 breakfast, settle in, math warm up

    8:00 handwriting

    8:15 morning meeting

    8:30 specials

    9:20 read aloud/snack

    9:35 CKLA

    11:15 Intervention/flex learning

    12n Spellography

    12:25 lunch/recess

    1:10 math

    2pm SS

    2:35pm PAWS

    2:50 pack/clean up

    3pm dismissal


    M library check out 


    TH Late start @ 9am

    9:15 specials

    10:20 Science