Visitor Information
Visitors are welcome at Singing Hills! Please be sure to sign in at the office and get a Visitor’s Badge before going to a classroom. It is our policy not to allow students to have other visiting children spend time in the classroom; however, friends are always welcome to eat lunch with our students.
New Student Registration.
Please contact Michelle Ruskauff at 303-646-1858.
Volunteer Information
Parents and community members are encouraged to volunteer in our school community. All volunteers need to complete a Volunteer Agreement. We need your help! Please consider the following opportunities:
Room Parent – Organize and support classroom activities by meeting on a regular basis with the classroom teacher.
Classroom Volunteers- Work with classroom teachers on identified tasks.
Fieldtrip Volunteers- Help chaperone students on fieldtrips.
Playground Support- Help assist with student supervision and activities during lunch recess.
WatchDOGS (Dads Of Great Students)– Dads or male family members volunteer their time to help with traffic in the morning and afternoon, monitor the perimeter of the school, volunteer in classrooms and help supervise lunch and recess.