Visitor Information (Volunteering)

  • Visitors are welcome at Singing Hills! Please be sure to sign in at the office and get a Visitor’s Badge before going to a classroom. It is our policy not to allow students to have other visiting children spend time in the classroom; however, friends are always welcome to eat lunch with our students.

    New Student Registration.

    Please contact Michelle Ruskauff at 303-646-1858.

    Volunteer Information

    Parents and community members are encouraged to volunteer in our school community. All volunteers need to complete a Volunteer Agreement. We need your help!  Please consider the following opportunities:

    Room Parent – Organize and support classroom activities by meeting on a regular basis with the classroom teacher.

    Classroom Volunteers - Work with classroom teachers on identified tasks.

    Field trip Volunteers - Help chaperon students on field trips.

    Playground Support - Help assist with student supervision and activities during lunch recess.


    Background Checks - Field Trips

    All volunteers are required to complete a background check in order to chaperon on field trips or other activities. Please complete the form (check back for the online form) at the SHE office. Please note: We must have ample time (3-5 business days) to complete the process so don't delay in signing up if you plan to chaperon during the year! Anyone who has not received approval by the date of a field trip will be denied the ability to attend.