Transportation FAQ

  • If I move during the school year, how do I change my child’s bus stop?
    First, fill out a “change of address” form with the Elizabeth School District office. After you have changed your address, the Transportation Department will assign your child to a new bus.

    If the bus is late, will my child be marked tardy?
    No. Students are not marked “tardy” if their school bus arrives at school late.

    Do buses have radios or phones so the driver can be contacted or call for help?
    Yes, all buses have two-way radios which help the Transportation Department stay in touch with vehicles in case there is an emergency.

    My child is assigned to a bus, but I plan to drive her to school every day. Should I tell anyone?
    Yes, Please notify the Transportation Department.

    Whom should I call if my child is having a problem with another student on the bus?
    Contact the Transportation Department.

    What responsibilities does the bus driver have while transporting children?
    The driver is responsible for delivering students to and from school safely and on time. Responsibilities include: operation of the vehicle; supervision of boarding and discharge; supervision of students while riding the bus; reporting safety and behavior incidents.

    Is the driver allowed to leave small children at a bus stop if no adult is there to meet the child?
    Yes. The parent is responsible for being sure someone meets the child every day. If a student seems afraid or unwilling to be left at the stop, the driver will keep the student on the vehicle and continue on the route until a parent can be contacted.

    How many students are allowed on each bus?
    This varies according to the size of the bus. Full-size buses can take up to 71 elementary school students.

    Do school buses have seat belts?
    Full-size school buses do not require seat belts. All ESD school buses meet all federal and state safety standards.

Other FAQs

  • Fees

    General Fees for regular route transportation have been discussed but not implemented at this time.

    Field trip fees are currently $8 per student/per trip.  (ESD complies with state approved Free & Reduced Program.)

    Bus Stops

    Bus stops and times may change. 

    The scheduling of regular and special education routes are a continual process to maximize safety, control cost, ridership & efficiency. Please call Transportation w/questions: 303-646-6790

    The Bus Driver will not wait for late-arriving students. 

    Students should be at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.  Drivers operate on a strict schedule in order to efficiently transport students to school "on time". Additional time is not built into schedules for late arriving students.

    Guest / Temporary Bus Riders

    Students must have permission to get on or off at a different bus stop, or to ride any district bus, other than their regularly assigned route bus.

    If your student will need to ride a different bus to or from school, Parents should call transportation at least 2 hours before the planned change. Or Parents may also write a note of permission and send it along with the rider to be given the bus driver. Please include contact information should verification be necessary.

    Bus Video Recorders

    Notice to Students and Parents/Guardians

    The Elizabeth School District has a school board policy allowing for video recording equipment on school buses to monitor for safe school transportation. Acknowledgment of this policy is distributed along with bus rules to riders at the beginning of each school year, as well as when new students arrive midyear.

    Click here for a copy of the Video Form

    District Ridership Boundaries

    Transportation boundaries for students who live within the school district are decided at the Board of Education level. 

    For information regarding school attendance areas see Elizabeth School District Board Policy JC. Click here for a link to the policy. See also the boundary map. Click here.
    For information regarding transportation to an Elizabeth School outside of your assigned area see policy JFBA (pg 2). Click here for a link to the policy.
    Please contact transportation if you have additional questions 303-646-6790.