Behavioral Expectations and Standards
Learning appropriate social behavior and etiquette are a part of the educational process. The administration, faculty, and staff are committed to helping reinforce and instill the traits of respect and responsibility. Respect for everyone’s learning opportunity and the ability to take responsibility for one’s actions are expectations for our students. Students should not engage in any act or conduct that tends to disrupt the atmosphere of learning and should reasonably comply with any directives from the staff. We share the commitment to establishing a positive school culture and a safe instructional environment.The following examples of misconduct are not the only acts or conditions for which disciplinary action may be warranted and do not limit them in any way. The offenses and penalties listed are only guidelines. Actual circumstances, and the severity of those circumstances, may dictate disciplinary actions not specifically outlined Disciplinary offenses are cumulative throughout a student’s high school career.
Consequences for violations of the disciplinary policy may include: discussion with the student, communication with parents, administrative referral, parental conference, school service, detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension (1-10 days), behavioral contracts, or expulsion. Acts committed against school personnel, state law requirements, or the severity of the incident may result in the initiation of expulsion for any violation. Police or other legal authorities will be contacted at all appropriate times.
Attendance and Tardiness
We encourage regular attendance at school by all students. Daily attendance records will be maintained for each student. Regular attendance and punctuality contribute not only to the probability of scholastic success but also help develop habits and attitudes that lead to success in life. Students, parents, and Elizabeth School District personnel share the responsibility for regular and prompt attendance. State law requires regular attendance.
Truancy, unexcused absences, or excessive tardiness will result in a progressive remediation program targeted toward the alleviation of the attendance problems. A tardy is defined as less than ten minutes late for class. Arrival to class after ten minutes will be considered an absence. Legal authorities will be contacted in the event of excessive truancy.Absences – Responsibilities and Procedures
When a student is absent, parents are expected to call the attendance office prior to 9:00 am on the day of the absence. Please give the following information when calling: name, grade, and reason/length of absence. If the school does not receive a call, we will attempt to contact the parents as to the status of their child. When a student arrives at school after 7:50 am, he/she must report to the Attendance Office to explain his/her reason for late arrival, sign in, and be given a pass to class. An excused absence allows the student the opportunity to complete work missed as a result of the absence.
When a student leaves the building prior to the end of the school day, he/she must stop by the Attendance Office for authorization to leave the campus. If a student is to be dismissed prior to the end of the instructional day, the student’s parent must provide written or verbal communication to the office excusing the absence and authorizing the student to sign out. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence.
Prior communication by parents of prearranged absences with the attendance office is expected. A pre-absentee form should be completed by the student and may be obtained from the attendance office. Early notification will aid in the assembly of assignments to be completed during the student’s absence.
Students who become ill or injured should get permission from a teacher to go to the Main Office. Please report all injuries to the Main Office immediately.
- Absences can be excused if the parents/guardians call the school on the day of the absence.
- Examples of normally excused absences are illness, funerals, religious obligations, and appointments. Prearranged absences are expected for vacations, college visits, etc.
- School related absences (athletic, field trips, etc.) and school-imposed suspensions are considered excused absences.
- Unexcused absences will result in the loss of credit for the classroom work assessed during the student’s absence.
- Truancy, oversleeping, missing the bus, staying at home to do homework, and work conflicts are examples of unexcused absences. A call by parents/guardians will not excuse the absence.
- Leaving school without proper authorization will result in an unexcused absence. A later call by parents/guardians will not excuse the absence.
- An absence without the knowledge of a parent/guardian or school authority is considered truancy.
- Students will not be excused from a class to complete work in another class or work on homework, projects, etc. for that class.
- A student who is absent all or part of the school day will not be eligible to participate in any extracurricular activities on that day. Exceptions to this rule, such as scheduled appointments, must be approved by the administration.
- Documentation for all appointments should be provided to the attendance office.
Truancy or unexcused absences may result in loss of credit for assessed school work missed as a result of the absence and additional disciplinary consequences. Leaving grounds in an unauthorized manner may result in a loss of privileges. Excessive unexcused absences in a given semester may result in an attendance contract for the student to remediate the attendance issues and may include a requirement to make up instructional time lost due to absences.
Excessive Absence Policy
Students with excessive absences may result in a referral to the district attendance review board (DARB)
Step 1: 8 absences: Student meets with a counselor to discuss absences.
Step 2: 10 absences: Student meets with a counselor and administrator to discuss continued absences. Following the meeting, a phone call is made to parents.
Step 3: Attendance Contract
Step 4: Referral to the District Attendance Review Board (DARB)
Step 5: Referral to DHS due to family and youth refusing to cooperate.
Step 6: Loss of credit through Elizabeth High School.
Students on Suspension
Students are expected to complete work missed as a result of school suspension. It is the responsibility of the student to request school work. Credit for the work will be granted under the normal procedure of an excused absence. Work not made up will result in a zero. While on suspension students may not be on school grounds or at school-sponsored events.
Tardy Policy – Responsibilities and Procedures
It is generally acknowledged that prompt arrival to all classes is a reasonable expectation and, therefore, a responsibility of all students. A respect for promptness is a desirable characteristic that should be cultivated.
Late Arrival at School
Students will check into the office and will receive a pass to class marked excused or unexcused. Teachers should not admit a student without a pass. Truancy, oversleeping, and work conflicts are examples of unexcused tardies.
Late Arrival to Class
Students are considered tardy (unless excused by the office or another teacher) if they are not inside the classroom when the bell rings. After the first ten minutes of class, a tardy student who arrives in class will be marked absent. Such students are expected to remain and participate in class.
Every three (3) tardies will count as an absence and will then be included in the total absences per class.
Consequences for Unexcused Tardies:
Five or more unexcused tardies can result in an after school detention and or the DARB process.
Aggressive or Unwelcome Behavior
Violence or the threats of violence are not acceptable behaviors in our school or society. The following definitions are provided for guidance only. If a student or other individual believes there has been aggressive behavior, regardless of whether it fits a particular definition. In that case, he or she should report it and allow the administration to determine the appropriate course of action.
Bullying is defined as a person willfully and repeatedly exercising power or control over another with hostile or malicious intent (i.e., repeated oppression, physical or psychological, of a less powerful individual by a more powerful individual or group). Bullying can be physical, verbal, psychological, or a combination of all three.
Bullying may also involve the use of information and communication technologies such as email, cell phones, text messages, instant messages, and the internet.
Extortion is the act of acquiring or attempting to acquire any money or item of value from a person without the agreement of all parties or with the presence of either an implied or expressed threat.
Fighting is extremely disruptive to the educational environment for all students and will not be tolerated. It is a priority of the administration to maintain a safe and nurturing environment for everyone. We believe that all fights can be avoided or settled peacefully. Retaliation in any form is not acceptable. The administration will investigate all situations, and if it is determined that both parties were involved in the confrontation, both will receive disciplinary action.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, any act which subjects an individual or group of unwanted, abusive behavior of a nonverbal, verbal, written, or physical nature on the basis of age, race, religion, color, national origin, marital status, or disability (sexual orientation, physical characteristic, cultural background, socioeconomic status, or geographic location).
Intimidation includes, but is not limited to, any threat or act intended to tamper, substantially damage or interfere with another’s property, cause substantial inconvenience, subject another to offensive physical contact, or inflict serious physical injury on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation.
Menacing includes, but is not limited to, any act intended to place a school employee, student, or third party in fear of imminent serious physical injury.
Aiding or Abetting Violation of School Rules
If a student assists another student in violating any school rule, they will be disciplined and may be subject to suspension or expulsion. Students are expected to resist peer pressure and exercise sound decision-making regarding their behavior.
Arson / Incendiary Devices / Explosives
Maliciously or willfully setting a fire or doing any act which results in the starting of a fire to a building or school and/or personal property or causing an explosion or the possession of explosive devices on school property is a violation of state and federal law and may result in disciplinary action up to expulsion. Possession or use of incendiary devices (matches, lighters, fireworks, etc.) will result in suspension.
Cheating offenses include, but are not limited to:
- The use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations, or altering teacher records.
- Dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the teacher in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or a carrying out other assignments, including AI.
- The acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic materials belonging to the teacher.
- Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use, whether by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes copying work done by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.
- A student who knowingly assists another student in cheating (as defined above) will be subject to the same disciplinary action.
The following consequences will be applied to any incident of academic dishonesty, and all incidents will be accumulated throughout a student's high school career.
- First Offense - Zero on the assignment and parent notification
- Second Offense - Zero on assignment and one day out of school suspension.
Discrimination is unlawful under both Colorado and federal law and is contrary to the commitment of the Elizabeth C-1 School District to provide an effective learning environment. It is the policy of this District to provide an equal opportunity for all students, regardless of race, color, creed, age, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, place of residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic background, to learn the curriculum offered in this district.
The district will not tolerate discriminatory behavior as defined by law and/or by district policy, false reports of discrimination, or retaliation against persons reporting allegations of discrimination or cooperating in the investigation of such complaints. Any student who believes she/he has been subjected to discrimination shall verbally report it to any employee with whom she/he feels comfortable discussing it. The school and/or district will act in accordance with Title IX policies and procedures.
Any form of disrespectful language or behavior will not be tolerated. Students will be expected to treat all staff members, fellow students, visitors, and guests in a courteous and respectful manner. The use of profane and/or obscene language, actions, or gestures is not all allowed. The severity of an incident may warrant a more serious penalty than recommended below. This listing of disrespectful behavior is not intended to be exhaustive and includes but is not limited to the following:
- Insubordination: The act of failing to respond to or carry out a reasonable request/directive by school personnel.
- Epithets/Obscenity/Profanity/Slurs: The act of using language in spoken or written form, or in pictures, caricatures, or gestures which are offensive to the general standards of the school and/or community.
- Persistent Disobedience: Continued disruptive behavior and/or continued failure to obey the rules of the school system.
Electronic Devices / Cell Phones
Students are not allowed to have electronic items that are unsafe, disruptive or a nuisance to the educational environment during the school day. Any such equipment may be confiscated, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Elizabeth C-1 School District is not responsible for the loss or damage of any personal electronic devices. Cell phones are allowed in the hallways and during lunches and may be allowed in some classrooms with teacher permission.
False Alarms
The act of initiating or circulating a false report of a catastrophe (fire, bomb, etc.) will result in a suspension of up to 5 days and a possible recommendation for long-term suspension or expulsion. Police and/or fire officials will be contacted. The student will be referred to the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system and the appropriate social services or community mental health agency.
Forgery / False Representation of Absence or Tardy
To falsely make, alter, forge, or counterfeit any writing, including electronic data, regarding documenting an absence or tardy, or falsely representing another person on the telephone or by use of another communication process to excuse an absence or tardy, and possession of school documents used to excuse an absence or tardy, will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
Gang Activity
Gang activity is defined as individual or group behaviors associated with belonging to a group of youths that promote juvenile delinquency and which have an adverse effect on the school and learning environment. Students shall not engage in behaviors, dress, or communication at school, while on school property, or at school related activities that promote “gang” activity.
Illegal Substances and Materials (Alcohol and Other Drugs)
In accordance with Federal law, the Board of Education prohibits the use, possession, concealment, or distribution of alcohol or drugs by students on school grounds, in school or school-approved vehicles, or at any school-related event. Drugs are defined below as illegal or mind-altering substances or materials. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all students. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from school. When required by State law, the District will also notify law enforcement officials. Mood-altering chemicals or intoxicants are detrimental to the educational process and the safety of the school. The following are examples of illegal substances or materials:
- all controlled substances as so designated and prohibited by Colorado statute
- all chemicals which release toxic vapors
- all alcoholic beverages
- prescription drugs or medications not taken or used in accordance with Elizabeth C-1 School policy
- mind-altering substances not prescribed by a doctor
- “look-alikes”
- steroids or human growth hormones
- any other illegal substance so designated and prohibited by law
- Tobacco (eg, Zins)
The previous examples are not the only substances for which disciplinary action may be warranted. It shall not be a violation of this policy for a student to use or possess a prescription or patent drug when taken pursuant to a legal prescription issued by a licensed physician for which permission to use in school has been granted pursuant to school district policy.
- Use, possession, or being under the influence
Any student who has reasonable suspicion can be searched by a school administraitor and subject to school discipline. Offenses of use, possession, or being under the influence are cumulative throughout a student’s high school career.
- Drug/chemical paraphernalia
Paraphernalia consists of commonly known instruments and materials that are intended for the use of, or preparation of, illicit substances as defined above. Because of the intended use implied by these implements, their manufacture, distribution, sale, use or possession is prohibited. This offense will be treated as a violation of “use, possession or being under the influence” as outlined above.
- Sale, transfer, distribution, or delivery
Any violation: 5-day suspension pending a recommendation for expulsion. All violations or the intent of sale, transfer, or delivery of illegal substances or materials are cumulative throughout a student’s academic career at Elizabeth High School.
Mandatory Expulsions
Per state law, schools must expel students in certain circumstances. Expulsion shall be mandatory for a declaration of a student as “habitually disruptive”, and for possessing a dangerous weapon, sale of a drug or controlled substance, robbery, or assault on school grounds.Parking and Vehicles
It is a privilege for students to drive to school and to use the EHS parking lot. Students are to park in the student designated parking areas only. Faculty, staff, and administrator areas are strictly off limits to students at all times. Students should not loiter or be in the parking lot without authorization. Parking lots are off limits to students during the school day with the following exceptions:- Students who are arriving or leaving during an off hour.
- Students who have off-campus lunches privileges.
- Students who have office/administrator permission to be there.
All student vehicles must be registered in the high school office and any issued parking identification must be displayed. Parking permits cost $45.00 per student, not per vehicle. All parking lots are off limits to students during the academic day, except for students who are arriving or leaving during this time. Students should follow all traffic laws and drive in a safe and courteous manner and park within the lines of a legal parking spot. Parking violations may result in the vehicle being towed away at the owner’s expense. Driving and/or parking violations may result in the loss of this privilege and/or other disciplinary action. Interfering with the normal routines of the district buses will result in an immediate suspension.
Physical Displays of Affection
Welcome, and appropriate physical displays of affection have a place in the high school environment. Expressions of affection should be brief and friendly and need not be excessive, extended or intimate. Students will be asked to moderate inappropriate behavior in a school setting and on school grounds. Expectations may be modified with extenuating circumstances. Definitions of excessive, extended or intimate: Excessive – overly effusive, disingenuous, disruptive, Extended – prolonged hand-holding, embracing, Intimate – kissing, cuddlingProfanity or Inappropriate Language
Any behavior or language, which in the judgment of the staff or administration, is considered to be obscene, disrespectful, vulgar, profane and/or violates community held standards of good taste will be subject to disciplinary action.Specific School-Related Crimes
Possession of deadly weapons, making false reports of explosive devices, and selling drugs on school grounds or a school bus are specific school-related crimes. Impeding or disrupting students, faculty, staff, or administrators is a class 3 misdemeanor. It is unlawful to refuse to leave school grounds when requested to do so by school administration.Selling Items In School
Students are prohibited from selling or purchasing any item(s) from another student in school without written permission from an administrator.Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is unlawful under both Colorado and federal law and is contrary to the commitment of the Elizabeth C-1 School District to provide an effective learning environment. District policy prohibits sexual harassment of students, employees, volunteers, contractors, or applicants for employment by students, employees, Board members, volunteers, or contractors. The district will not tolerate sexually harassing behavior as defined by law and/or by district policy, false reports of sexual harassment, or retaliation against persons reporting allegations of sexual harassment or cooperating in the investigation of such complaints. Any student who believes she/he has been subjected to sexual harassment shall verbally report it to any employee with whom she/he feels comfortable discussing it. Violations committed against school personnel, state law, or the severity of the incident may result in more severe consequences or the initiation of a long-term suspension or expulsion.Technology
Students will use the Internet and other technology for research and publishing purposes. The expectations for appropriate and inappropriate uses are outlined in district Policy JS. This policy is available on the internet as well as in the main office. Parents/Guardians may choose to opt-out of Internet use, and opt-out forms are also available at your child’s school.Theft
Theft / Stolen Property
Students shall not engage in theft or be in possession of stolen property. This includes gaining money or items through intimidation (extortion). In addition to any consequences, restitution may be required and a referral to police or law enforcement officials may be made. Stealing from the cafeteria, library, office, or classroom may result in a loss of privileges and appropriate disciplinary action.Tobacco
In compliance with state law and in the interest of health and safety, students shall not smoke or use tobacco in any form or be in possession of tobacco in any form, on any property or in any bus or building owned or operated by the Board of Education or while at any school function. Offenses of tobacco product will result in suspension and are cumulative throughout a student’s high school career. Parents will be notified of all violations, as well as a referral of the student to legal authorities. Lighters and matches are not allowed in school and are subject to the arson rules.Trespassing
Although schools are public facilities, the law does allow the school to restrict access on school property. If a student has been removed, suspended, or expelled, the student is not allowed on school property without authorization of the administration. In addition, students may not trespass onto school property at unauthorized times or into areas of the school determined to be inappropriate. Violations of this rule could result in suspension or expulsion.Unnecessary Devices or Objects
The use or possessions of any items that may be deemed disruptive to the educational environment or present a health or safety concern as determined by the administration are not allowed. These items may be confiscated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.Vandalism
Vandalism is the act of willful destruction, damage, or defacing of school property or the property of others. In addition to any consequences, restitution may be required. Incidents may result in the initiation of the long-term suspension or expulsion procedure and may be referred to legal authorities. Weapons The Board of Education will not tolerate the possession of weapons or look-alike weapons by anyone while on school property or at a district-related event. Any item may be considered a weapon if the intent is to injure, threaten, intimidate, or disable. Knives should never be carried or possessed by students on school property or at any school events. Possession is defined as having physical possession of a deadly weapon/facsimile whether in a car, locker, backpack, or other location, under the control of or belonging to the student while on school grounds, or at a school function.A student found to be in possession of a dangerous weapon/firearm/knife on district grounds, in district buildings, or at school/district sponsored events shall be suspended up to five days pending a recommendation for expulsion. That information will be entered in the student’s permanent record. The student will be referred to the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system and appropriate social services or community mental health agency. The parent, legal guardian, and/or student shall be notified of the referral.
The Elizabeth High School behavior code under which students may be disciplined is applicable to the following areas of authority:
- While attending school
- While a student is on a school vehicle
- While a student is under the jurisdiction of the school
- While at any school-related event
- Inappropriate interaction between students and staff occurring outside of regular school hours, activities or grounds
- Conduct at any time or place which directly interferes with the operations, discipline, or general welfare of school
The offenses and penalties listed in the handbook are only guidelines. Actual circumstances, and the severity of those circumstances, may dictate disciplinary actions not specifically outlined. Disciplinary offenses are cumulative throughout a student’s high school career. A teacher or any other person acting in good faith and in compliance with the discipline code adopted by the Board shall be immune from civil liability unless the person is acting willfully or wantonly. It is an affirmative defense in any criminal action that a person is acting in compliance with the discipline code. The superintendent shall arrange to have the conduct and discipline code distributed once to each student in elementary, middle, and high school and once to each new student in the district. Copies shall be posted in each school of the district. In addition, any significant change in the code shall be distributed to each student and posted in each school.
Administrative Right to Implement New Rules and Regulations
The administration of Elizabeth High School reserves the right to establish rules and regulations which are not stated in this handbook but which are necessary and proper for carrying out the educational programs of the school. When the administration judges that a student’s behavior adversely influences others, interferes with the educational process, or infringes on the rights of others, disciplinary action will be taken.All rules and guidelines are subject to the policies of the Elizabeth School District Board of Education. These policies are available on request from the district administration office or the district website.